



We inform you that the identification and contact data of your employees and/or collaborators and/or legal representatives, as well as of the users of the In-Yacht software (together "Data Subjects") will be processed in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("Regulation") and Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Privacy Code), where applicable, on the protection of personal data and the confidentiality obligations that inspire the activity of Marine Tools Srl (the "Company").

This information must be made available to the Data Subjects.

  1. Nature of the data 

    The personal data of the Data Subjects, collected and processed exclusively insofar as they relate to your company, will be those of your representatives, proxies, employees and collaborators with whom our company has contact, necessary to achieve these purposes ("contact data") (name, surname, email address and telephone number) or for the signing of contracts ("contract data") and in this case will be exclusively identification data.

    Personal data of In-Yacht users relating to the use of the software itself (e.g. logs) may also be processed.  

  2. Purpose of processing 

    1. The personal data collected will be processed for purposes arising from the management of the business relationship established or being established with the Company and in particular, execution of pre-contractual measures and execution of the contract(s) entered into or being entered into with the same.
    2. Personal data may also be processed where necessary to comply with any legislation with which the company is required to comply.
    3. Certain information generated in the context of the use of the In-Yacht platform, such as log data, may be processed for security purposes and troubleshooting of IT issues (e.g. bugs).
    4. The data connected with the use of the In-Yacht platform may also be processed in order to conduct statistical analyses for the development and improvement of the software.
    5. Lastly, personal data may be processed for the exercise and defence of the Company's rights in all judicial, administrative, arbitration or conciliation proceedings.
  3. Legal basis of processing and processing methods

    1. Legal basis

      For the purpose referred to in paragraph 2.1, the processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the legitimate interest of the customer and the Company in the proper and effective management of their business relations (Art. 6 c. 1 lett. f) of the Regulation).


      The processing of personal data referred to in paragraph 2.2 is carried out insofar as it is necessary to comply with legal obligations (Art. 6 c. 1 lett c) of the Regulation).


      The processing of personal data referred to in paragraph 2.3 is carried out on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Company and the customer to ensure the security and proper functioning of the In-Yacht software (Art. 6 c. 1 lett. f) of the Regulation). 


      The processing of personal data referred to in paragraph 2.4 is carried out on the basis of the Company's legitimate interest in ensuring the development and improvement of the In-Yacht software (Art. 6 c. 1 lett. f) of the Regulation).


      The processing of personal data referred to in paragraph 2.5 will be carried out, if necessary, on the basis of the Company's legitimate interest in protecting itself in court (Art. 6 c. 1 lett. f) of the Regulation).

    2. Processing methods

      Personal data will be processed by means of hard copy and IT tools, using instruments and procedures that guarantee security and confidentiality, in compliance with the provisions in force on the protection of personal data.

      Personal data will be processed by employees and collaborators of the Company expressly authorised to process them pursuant to Art. 29 of the Regulation.

  4. Communication or dissemination of data 

    We inform the Data Subjects that within the limits strictly pertinent to the obligations, tasks or purposes indicated above, the personal data collected may be communicated to independent third parties (such as public bodies) for legal fulfilments and/or to third parties who carry out auxiliary activities on behalf of the Company (such as third parties who provide banking or accounting and tax services), who, where required by the regulations in force, are appointed by the Company as data processors pursuant to Article 28 of the Regulation.

    In addition, personal data may be accessed by or communicated to Amico Servizi Srl, an Amico Group company, for administration and accounting purposes. 

    The data referred to in purposes 2.3 and 2.4 may be processed by Tech Srl, with registered office at Lungobisagno Dalmazia 71, 16141 Genoa (GE), as well as by further suppliers providing services relating to the security, proper functioning and development and improvement of the In -Yacht software.

    The personal data collected will not be disseminated in any way.

  5. Data retention period  

    Personal data referred to in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 will be stored for no longer than is necessary to fulfil obligations or tasks required by law, regulations or contractual provisions.

    The personal data referred to in purpose 2.3 are stored for different periods of time depending on the type of data. You can request details of these timeframes by writing to the email address at the end of this notice. 

    The personal data referred to in purpose 2.4 will be stored for no longer than is necessary for the pursuit of the purpose of the processing.

    Personal data whose processing is necessary to protect oneself in court (purpose 2.5) will be processed until the aforementioned purpose is fulfilled (e.g. until the decision has entered into force).

  6. Compulsory or optional nature of providing personal data, consequences of a refusal to the provision 

    The provision of personal data is necessary for the execution and performance of the contractual relationship with the Company. Therefore, failure to provide them may result in the impossibility of executing and performing the contract.

  7. Rights of Data Subjects

    We would like to inform you that, among the rights conferred on Data Subjects by the Regulation, they have, in particular, the right to request from the Data Controller access to their personal data, to obtain their update and rectification or (in the cases provided for by the Regulation) their deletion, the restriction of the processing concerning them or to object to their processing; where provided for by the Regulation, they also have the right to receive such personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit them to another Data Controller without hindrance. They also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority in accordance with the law.

  8. Data Controller's identification and contact details

    The Data Controller is the company Marine Tools Srl, with registered office in Via Garibaldi 12/8 B, 16124 GenoaIt may be contacted by Data Subjects, if they deem it necessary or intend to exercise one or more of their rights as described above, for any further information, through this email address .